2014, mixed media acrylic turds and molding paste, 120*80 cm

2014, mixed media: acrylic turds, molding paste, 120*80 cm

2014, mixed media acrylic turds and molding paste, 120*80 cm
Sarah Feifel
Sarah Feifel has lived in Zichron Yaakov on the border of the Hanadiv Park, since 1982. She is deeply connected to this locale with every inch of her body. During particularly dark times in her life, the park served as a respite, a space for healing and a source of vitality. Always an alchemist, she transforms goats manure into gold. In some of her works she includes old ropes, nets and torn sacks which she collects on her walks in the park. This exchange allows a mutual symbiotic relationship of safeguarding and healing between the artist and her beloved park.
Phone: 054-4787009